
Empower your team with instant knowledge.

Enhance communication by making company jargon accessible to everyone.


Trusted by these major brands.

Lookup term

Real-time jargon lookup

Employees can quickly look up any company-specific jargon or acronyms during meetings or conversations without leaving Slack.

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Our customers experience:

reduction in imposter syndrome
increase in employee wellbeing
reduction in employee churn

How it works

Integrated within Slack, Placo allows your team to instantly access definitions for any company-specific jargon or acronyms.

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Lookup term

Hear from our customers.

Placo has revolutionized our team's workflow! The real-time jargon lookup feature has significantly reduced miscommunications and made our meetings more efficient. It's a must-have tool for any team.



Project Manager at Vinted

Using Placo has been a game-changer for our marketing team. It has helped us keep everyone on the same page, especially with all the industry-specific terms we use. The setup was quick and easy, and the integration with Slack is seamless.



Marketing Lead at Canva

Placo has greatly improved our internal communication and employee onboarding process. New team members can quickly look up any unfamiliar acronyms or jargon, which helps them get up to speed faster. Highly recommended!



HR Manager at Etsy

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Placo mean?

Placo is a latin word which means to soothe, calm or bring peace to someone (that is, your team members).

What does Placo do?

Placo is a tool designed to enhance team communication by providing real-time lookup of company-specific jargon and acronyms directly within Slack. It helps reduce misunderstandings, improve collaboration, and increase productivity by making sure everyone is on the same page.

Is Placo available on Teams?

Placo currently only supports Slack. But Teams support is on the way!

How much does Placo cost?

We would say it's pretty cheap! But more details can be found on the Pricing page.

How easy is it to set up?

You can get started right away by installing the Slack extension.

See Placo in action.

With a no-commitment product walkthrough.